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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

DHCP Admin Group in Server 2012

DHCP Admin Group in Server 2012

The DHCP admin group is a Windows security group used to provide DHCP admin access to users who need to perform DHCP admin function in their work role(s). The sister group, DHCP Users provides read only membership to see DHCP information.

In Server 2012, Microsoft disabled the DHCP users group and hid it from view. This can be a bit frustrating if you need to use this group! The reason I believe was that Microsoft considered this to be a more secure arrangement.

Re establishing the DHCP Admin and DHCP user groups is rather simple. On the Server, open an administrative command prompt and enter: netsh dhcp add securitygroups then press enter. This will add both groups to your group management console (you may need to refresh to see them)

This article can also be found on our sister site at:
Adding DHCP Admin and User Groups

Adding DHCP Admin and User Groups

Monday, March 9, 2015

Windows Error 651

Windows Error 651

Windows Error 651
Windows Error 651
Windows Error 651 occurs across most modern versions of Windows, relating primarily to WAN connections. there are a few ways to resolve this as follows:
  1. The first thing to check is go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections and right click on broadband connections [WAN Miniport(PPPOE)] and un-check set as default. If necessary reboot to check.
If the above fails, then here is a list of things to check and run through to get this issue resolved:
  • Reset your TCP/IP Settings in Windows.
  • If you are using a Laptop, make sure the wireless switch or button is turned on (this is such a common issue!).
  • Replace the RAS PPPoE driver in Windows:
    1. Open a Command Prompt as Administrator (right click -> run as administrator). 
    2. Select all the code below, then right click it and click Copy:
    3. TAKEOWN /F "C:\Windows\system32\drivers\raspppoe.sys"
    4. ICACLS "C:\Windows\system32\drivers\raspppoe.sys" /grant administrators:F
    5. Right click in the Command Prompt window and click Paste.
    6. Press Enter.
    7. Once it has finished, close the Command Prompt.
    8. Go to the following folder:
    9. Rename the raspppoe.sys file to raspppoe2.sys
    10. Right click on the following file and click Save Target As / Save link as:
      Vista RAS PPPoE Driver.
    11. Save it in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers folder.
    12. Restart the computer.
  • If using a Modem, obtain the latest driver.
  • Reset your router.
  • Re-install your network card drivers.
This article can also be found on our sister site at
Source: Microsoft Technet

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Grant Sudo Access in Ubuntu

Grant Sudo Access in Ubuntu

To make changes in Ubuntu, you need to be a member of the "Super Users" or Sudo group. Membership of this group acts like the administrator group on a windows system, allowing users to make changes to the operating system. Ubuntu will prompt you for the sudo password (which is recommended to be different to your normal user password for security reasons) when you attempt to make changes to the OS.

To grant a user sudo access:
  1. log in with your own sudo level access account
  2. enter the command sudo adduser sudo
Grant Sudo In Ubuntu
Grant Sudo In Ubuntu
This Article can also be found on our sister site at: