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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

VSphere error : Your Current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded

VSphere error : Your Current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded

I got this message in VSphere while trying to configure the Auto deploy feature ( specifically downloading the TFTP boot ZIP) and logically its not a VSphere issue at all.
the issue is due to IE security settings in the Internet Zone having file download disabled. to rectify just adjust this is IE:
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. choose tools -> internet options
  3. select the security tab
  4. select internet then custom level
  5. scroll down about half way to downloads and change the file download radio button to enable
  6. OK till your back at IE
heres the screen your looking for:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to delete corrupted Windows Update Files in Windows 7

How to delete corrupted Windows Update Files in Windows 7

If you have an update file cached on  a windows 7 machine that is causing issues, or that you want to tidy up for imaging purposes,  the process is really straight forward to clean it up.
the files are located at c:\windows\C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\download . if you delete the contents of this folder, the cached copy should no longer be an issue.

if you wanted to script this in a batch file, it could look something like this:
rmdir /s /q C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
rmdir /s /q C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
as you can see, pretty straight forward issue to a common problem!

this guide can also be found on our sister site, at: